Thursday, January 27, 2022

We are proud to announce the launch of OneDay (搵地) Agent app on the native Mac O/S.

OneDay (搵地) Agent app Mac O/S

This native desktop program allows estate agents in Hong Kong to generate, sign and print EAA (Estate Agent Authority) prescribed forms through the app. This feature dramatically reduces the administrative cost in filling out EAA forms and completely cuts out the physical need to be in the office. Signed forms can easily be shared with clients through popular apps such as whatsapp, messenger and other communication channels such as email. 

Shortlists of properties can also be quickly created and shared with clients through a myriad of channels including Whatsapp, Wechat, Facebook, Email and many other social media channels allowing clients to be able to see all of the properties that might interest them. Shortlists can be viewed within a map view in relation to the user’s exact position; transport links, building information, building photos and other useful information is available for every building.  

Agents can co-operate with each other through the "Co-Op Listing" panel and collaborate on deals. Push notifications are available to receive notification each time a new listing is uploaded for a particular district, sub-district or individual buildings too. 

The OneDay Agent app offers agents the ability to manage all of their listings, shortlists and contacts easily within the convenience of a single mobile app. 

Videos and Photos of property listings uploaded to the OneDay platform and immediately advertised to an audience of millions of users globally at the click of a few buttons. The same app is available on iPhones, Android phones and the Web - all content and listings can be synced across the various devices so that agents manage their business anywhere, anytime and on any device. 

The windows version of the app will also be available soon; stayed tuned!

OneDay Hong Kong | OneDay Vietnam

我們很榮幸宣布推出蘋果電腦(Mac O/S)的OneDay(搵地)地產代理軟件。

這個本地桌面軟件允許香港的地產代理通過該應用程序生成、簽署和打印 EAA(地產代理管理局)規定的表格。此功能大大降低了填寫EAA表格的管理成本,並完全消除了在辦公室的實際需要。可以通過熱門應用程序(如whatsapp、messenger)和其他通信渠道(如電子郵件)輕鬆與客戶共享簽名表格。

還可以通過多種渠道(包括 Whatsapp、微信、Facebook、電子郵件和許多其他社交媒體渠道)快速創建和與客戶共享房產的候選名單,讓客戶能夠看到他們可能感興趣的所有房產。可以在地圖視圖中查看與用戶確切位置相關的候選名單;交通聯繫、建築信息、建築照片和其他有用信息可用於每棟建築。

地產代理可以通過“Co-Op Listing”面板相互合作,並就交易進行協作。每次上傳特定區、分區或個別建築物的新列表時,都可以使用推送通知接收通知。


房產列表的視頻和照片上傳到OneDay(搵地)平台,只需點擊幾個按鈕,即可立即向全球數百萬用戶的受眾進行廣告宣傳。 iPhone、Android 手機和 Web 上都可以使用相同的App - 所有內容和列表都可以在各種設備上同步,以便代理商隨時隨地在任何設備上管理他們的業務。

該應用程序的 Windows 版本也將很快推出; 敬請關注!

搵地(OneDay)香港 | 搵地(OneDay)越南